Notification by a Member of Disclosable Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests I, (lu// name) a iUenrber of (authoitl) MIDDLETON-ON-THE.WOLDS PARISH COUNCIL The Localism Act 2011 (lr) Anr- pavment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from &e authonn) made or prorided wrthin the relevant pedod in respect of anv expenses incurred bv me in carn ing out duties as a L'Iember, or tou-ards mv election expeoses. This includes any paymenr or financial benefit from a trade union q,-ithin the meaning of the Trade l-lnion and Labour Relauons (Consolidation) Act 1992. The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 frttc *lq*c ktt a 001z-n,t ,J nlL LiitLcJ m:ff* GIVE NOTICE that I have the follou'ing pecunian and non-pecuniarl iflterests (pka.w state 'Norue" wbere apprpiale): PART A - PECUNIARY INTERESTS NB - In accordance rvirh Section 34 of the Localism,\ct 2011, a person commits an offence if, u,'ithout reasonable excuse, thev fail to registet their pecunian' interests rvrthin 28 davs of taking office or fail to update their register within 28 dal s of a change to their pecuniary interests. The following drsclosable Pecuniary Intetests of mrseli mv spouse or cir-il partner or afl)'person s,'ith whom I am living as husband or wife or ^rr\ persofl w'ith rvhom I am iir-ing as if w-e x'ere ciril paftners. (") ,\nv employment, office, trade, profession or rocation carried on f